Question 5: Multiple Choice (3 questions; 2 points each) 5a. Suppose that scientists had recently discovered declines in the biodiversity in the oceans near Antarctica. Although very few people ever visit the Antarctic, the US government is still interested in understanding the benefits of stopping the biodiversity loss. Which of the following methods would be best to employ to estimate the value US citizens place on protecting bio-diversity in this remote ecosystem? A. The hedonic method B. The travel cost method C. The contingent valuation method D. A and B E. Any of the above can be used to fully capture the value US citizens place on protecting bio-diversity in that remote ecosystem. 5b. The travel cost method is a that measures A. direct method / non-use values B. indirect method / non-use values C. direct method/use values D. indirect method /use values E. indirect method/ both use and non-use values 5c. Existence value is a type of: A. option value B. use value C. bequest value D. non-use value